free Qt Visual Studio Integration

Volker Wiendl has released a new Version of his VsQtAddin Visual Studio Plugin: Download (Version for VS 2005) In case you have a previous installed version uninstall it first, and make sure no component is remaining on the system. You may also run...

Compilation of Phonon under Windows XP

The original documentation of Trolltech was not sufficient to get me compile the phonon.dll and phonon_ds94.dll under Windows XP. Therefore you find here a description of what I did to get it compile. I use Visual Studio 2005 and the corresponding nmake compiler. The...

Howto integrate Qt with Visual Studio

Since I want to learn Qt 4 and use a good IDE I was looking for information how to achieve this with the open source pakcage of qt. Here is what I have found. qt2005.pdf Klicke, um auf...